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DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

Grisha Karanikolov

DigiEduHack National Ambassador

Grisha is the Partnership Director at Telerik Academy, the pioneering private tech education organization in Bulgaria since 2009. With a mission to kick-start and advance professional careers and drive business growth, Telerik Academy aims to bring long-term competitive advantage to local communities and industries. Grisha is instrumental in helping technology companies connect with the high-quality IT talent cultivated by Telerik Academy. Furthermore, he plays a crucial role in the Academy's global expansion efforts, aiming to increase its growth, reach, and impact across the world.

He has over 17 years of experience in sales and consulting with key clients such as Microsoft, PwC, BBC, Aston Martin, The Coca-Cola Company, and Nestle. Before heading the partnership network of Telerik Academy, he worked at Telerik and Progress as a Senior Sales Engineer for Telerik Sitefinity – a proprietary content management system. Prior to that, Grisha headed a team of sales experts at SiteGround. He has lectured in the USA, South America, Europe, and Asia. Grisha is also one of the co-founders and a former chairman of the Bulgarian Debate Association, whose members recently ranked second in the world.

About Telerik Academy

Telerik Academy is the first (since 2009) private tech-ed organization in Bulgaria with a mission to kick-start and advance professional careers, contribute to business growth and earn long-term competitive advantage for local communities and industries. It’s all possible through two initiatives - Alpha, a unique 6-month intensive program for an IT career start (from zero to developer or QA) and Upskill - a 3-month program that helps professionals take their career to the next level.

With a near 100% employment rate among graduates actively seeking jobs and 93% remaining in Bulgaria, the impact of the Alpha programs as a personal transformation and in the context of the local economy is enormous. This fresh talent that can contribute right away to their future employers, and together with upskilling professionals, Telerik Academy helps companies and industry grow. Each year Telerik Academy trains ~15% of the talent the IT sector needs, a sizable portion of the 5000-6000 IT shortage). The Academy talent keeps drawing the attention of hiring and upskilling partners, and in 2022, its network grew with 15% to 230 companies since 2017 (Alpha and Upskill), including The Coca-Cola Company, Bosch IO, DXC, Progress, WPX, Questers/News UK, Schwartz IT, Software AG, DHL.

Website: https://www.telerikacademy.com...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Teler...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/compa...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tele...