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DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

Álvaro Molina

Mathematics Teacher, PhD in Computational Thinking and Teaching Mathematics, Scientix ambassador

Álvaro is a Mathematics educator, based at I.E.S. Blas Infante, in Córdoba, Spain.

He brings a distinctive perspective to the world of education: he has a degree in physics but has also achieved the remarkable distinction of a PhD Cum Laude in Education Sciences about computational thinking and the art of teaching Mathematics.

Álvaro possesses a wealth of experience in teacher training across various domains connected to STEAM education, computational thinking, and teaching Mathematics. His expertise extends beyond the classroom, making him a valued collaborator in numerous educational projects such as Scientix, Code Week, the STE(A)M IT project, HelloMath!
