DigiEduToolkit: Open Badges to Validate Informal Knowledge
IMS Global Learning Consortium manages the free Open Badges 2.0 standard, that originally was released by the Mozilla Foundation. The Open Badges standard is a technical specification for describing how to create, issue, endorse, verify, and exchange interoperable Open Badges. In this challenge you need to address the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” and the European Commission “Action to improve lifelong learning and employability”. The product will be a draft or prototype with following requirements:
Alignment (optional)
Endorsements (optional)
Who can join?
Service Designers
09 - 10 NOV 2023
Register by 06 NOVOnline
from SwedenEmerging Technologies for Education
Challenge and goals
In this challenge you need to address the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” and the European Commission “Action to improve lifelong learning and employability”
Expectations and requirements for the solutions and participants
The product will be a draft or prototype with following requirements:
Alignment (optional)
Endorsements (optional)
Available Support
On 10th of November at 15:15-16:00 there will be an optional peer-to-peer review of drafts with mentoring from Jonas Bäckelin (live in Zoom).