Local Hackathons Main Stage 2024 Learn with DigiEduHack News

DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

DIGIVERSITY: Empowering Academic Digital Skills

Digital transformation is significantly impacting both education and research in higher education. The "Digiversity: Empowering Academic Digital Skills" hackathon addresses the need to enhance the digital competencies of academics and integrate digital diversity into university curricula.

Throughout the event, participants will focus on developing innovative projects that improve digital learning environments, utilising teaching technologies, digital pedagogical tools, and digital literacy. Projects may include creating interactive learning materials, enriching virtual classroom experiences, and promoting effective digital education strategies. At the conclusion of the hackathon, projects that provide applicable and sustainable digital solutions for university environments will be chosen.

DIGIVERSITY: Empowering Academic Digital Skills
Who can join?
VET students
University students
Teachers and/or educators
Education professionals
Digital education enthusiasts
Specific conditions to apply

Participants must be at least 18 years old. Experience in digital teaching or educational technologies within higher education is preferred but not required. Teams are encouraged to work in groups of 4-6 individuals.

15 - 16 NOV 2024
Register by 16 NOV
from Türkiye
Individual Competences

Challenge and goals

The primary goals of this hackathon include:

  • Enhancing academics' digital literacy and teaching technology skills.
  • Developing sustainable teaching designs that strengthen digital pedagogy in higher education.
  • Producing innovative learning and teaching tools that support digital diversity in universities.
  • Setting new standards for academic excellence through digitalisation.
  • Fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among participants to promote innovative approaches in the digital transformation of higher education.
  • Providing solutions that will lead the digital transformation process in universities.
Expectations and requirements for the solutions and participants

Participants are expected to have a foundational understanding of digital education, instructional design, or digital literacy within the higher education context. Teams should produce creative solutions that promote digital diversity and enhance the digital skills of academics. Critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills regarding the application of digital technologies in academic environments are essential.

Available Support

Participants will receive guidance from mentors specialising in digital educational technologies, instructional design, and digital pedagogy. Additionally, technical support will be available for teams developing and implementing digital tools. Workshops held during the hackathon will assist participants in idea development and prototype creation.


  • 15.11.2024 (16.00 - 16.30)

    Opening Session (Açılış Oturumu)
    Official opening and information about the Hackathon process. (Resmi açılış ve Hackathon süreci hakkında bilgilendirme)
  • 15.11.2024 (16.30 - 17.00)

    Pairing and Ideas Workshop (Eşleştirme ve Fikir Atöylesi)
    Working with teams to generate ideas and develop solutions. (Ekiplerle fikir üretme ve çözüm geliştirme çalışmaları)
  • 15.11.2024 (17.00 - 17.30)

    Workshops (Atölyeler)
    Thematic information sessions for students. (Öğrencilere yönelik tematik bilgi oturumları)
  • 15.11.2024 (17.30 - 18.00)

    Break (Ara)
    Rest break. (Dinlenme arası)
  • 15.11.2024 (18.00 - 21.00)

    Chek-in & Mentoring (Chek-in & Mentörluk)
    Project guidance with mentor support. (Mentör desteğiyle proje rehberliği)
  • 15.11.2024 (22.00)

    End of Day (Gün Sonu)
  • 16.11.2024 (14.00 - 14.30)

    Return Session (Geri Dönüş Oturumu)
    Feedback on the first day's work. (İlk gün çalışmaları üzerine geri bildirimler)
  • 16.11.2024 (15.30 - 16.00)

    Solution Aggregation (Çözüm Toplama)
    Collection of teams' solution canvases. (Ekiplerin çözüm canvaslarının toplanması)
  • 16.11.2024 (16.00 - 17.00)

    Solution Presentations (Çözüm Sunumları)
    Project presentations and jury evaluation. (Proje sunumları ve jüri değerlendirmesi)
  • 16.11.2024 (17.00 - 17.30)

    Award Ceremony - Closing Session (Ödül Töreni - Kapanış Oturumu)
    Announcement of the winner, award ceremony and closing event. (Kazananın açıklanması, ödül töreni ve kapanış etkinliği)


Ali Nuri Şeker
Ali Nuri Şeker
CEO of ANSSOFT, Mentor
Aizhan Taalai kyzy
Aizhan Taalai kyzy
Senior Software Developer, Computer Engineer, Mentor
Öznur Şifa Akçam
Öznur Şifa Akçam
Computer Engineer, Mentor
Hamza Aydemir
Hamza Aydemir
Instructional Technolgyst, Digital Game Developer, Mentor
Computer Teacher | Web Developer | Educational Technologist, Mentor
Recep Başarıcı
Recep Başarıcı
PhD, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Mentor
Tolga Kaya
Tolga Kaya
Co-founder of Ekelia, Computer and Instructional Technologies Student, Management Information Systems student at Ankara University, Ankara University Quality Commission, Artificial Intelligence Researcher
Simay Şahiner
Simay Şahiner
Computer and Instructional Technologies Student
Emirhan Özyurt
Emirhan Özyurt
Computer and Instructional Technologies Student, Artificial Intelligence Researcher
Ömürhan Kuru
Ömürhan Kuru
Computer and Instructional Technologies Student, Artificial Intelligence Researcher
Elif Çaptır
Elif Çaptır
Computer and Instructional Technologies Student
Caner Pektaş
Caner Pektaş
Computer and Instructional Technologies Student, Game Development
Asel Rasimgil
Asel Rasimgil
Computer and Instructional Technologies Student


Süleyman Sadi Seferoğlu
Süleyman Sadi Seferoğlu
Proffessor of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Jury
Münevver Calayır
Münevver Calayır
Software Engineer, CEO of Robot Sepeti, Jury
Melek Kul
Melek Kul
Computer Engineer, Senior Manager at City Group, US, Jury

Proposed Solutions