Gym4Uni - Skills and Well-Being in Our Virtual Training Hub
Tor Vergata University invites secondary school teams to explore how to apply extended reality in education.
“Gym4Uni - Skills and Well-Being in Our Metaverse Hub for Training!” is a unique opportunity to engage in building a welcoming virtual learning space where students can effectively acquire the skills required for university courses in Economics and Management.
Before the hackathon, participants will be trained on the features of extended reality and the use of these immersive tools.
During the hackathon, participants will develop their proposals according to the Design Thinking:
1) empathise, reflecting on the challenges students face when joining university;
2) discover, listing what extended reality can provide in overcoming such challenges;
3) define, focusing on a specific solution in line with the Gym metaphor;
4) ideate, reflecting on the extended reality platform functionalities to be included
5) prototype, sketching on the platform the features of the Gym4Uni.
The address for the onsite location of this blended hackathon is: Via Columbia, 2, 00133, Rome
Who can join?
Specific conditions to apply
High-school students (in their last year) together with one/two of their professors
09 - 16 NOV 2024
Register by 06 NOVBlended
Rome - Italy
Well-being in Digital Education
Challenge and goals
The primary goal of the GYM4UNI participants is to design an engaging immersive environment that will be able to support future high-school students in accessing the degrees in economics and management taught at the Tor Vergata University and, then, in performing well during their course of studies.
The primary goal of the GYM4UNI organisers is to provide participants with the opportunity to:
- acquire the basic knowledge and an hands-on experience on extended reality
- engage in a challenge and learn soft/team skills
- acquire more information to make informed decisions about their educational path with a greater awareness of the key features of the courses in economics and management.
The outcome of the hackathon is to contribute to the development of the virtual Gym that will support future students in being better prepared, more motivated, and confident in their choices, leading to a successful and fulfilling academic journey.
Expectations and requirements for the solutions and participants
Participants in the GYM4UNI hackathon are high-school students accompanied by their professors and they are expected to:
- actively engage in learning and experimenting extended reality
- be willing to challenge themselves, embrace competition, and persevere through simulated training sessions.
- be curious about the diverse subject areas characterising courses in economics and management and commit to understanding the prerequisites for a successful academic path.
There are no prerequisites as to the knowledge/experience of extended reality.
Available Support
- Pre-event workshops to introduce participants to extended reality features and tools
- Access to extended reality platforms and tools for project collaboration
- Mentorship from university faculty and experts in extended reality and design thinking
- Support as to the features of digital learning and as to the key characteristics of economics and management subjects.
A dedicated IT team will assist with technical setup, troubleshooting, and managing digital infrastructure.