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DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

A hackathon at your school: mission possible

In a world driven by digital innovation, it’s common knowledge that schools hold a pivotal role in shaping the future of education. But having a hackathon in a school? You might think your school is not fit for such an event. We’re here to show you that with DigiEduHack, having a hackathon in your school is not a dream, but a real possibility.

Schools Are Perfect for DigiEduHack

Schools are the very heart of the education ecosystem, and they have a unique opportunity to lead the charge in digital education innovation. Here's why:

  • Welcome to All: DigiEduHack welcomes schools of all sizes, from all corners of the globe. It doesn't matter if you're a large institution or a small local school; you have a place in this initiative. Your perspective is invaluable in creating digital solutions that cater to diverse educational needs.
  • Classroom Hackathons: You don't need a massive auditorium or a high-tech lab to host a DigiEduHack event. Our hackathons can take place right in your classroom. This accessibility means you can start your digital education journey without the need for extensive resources or space.
  • 24h of Duration: This is the pre-established DigiEduHack timeframe. Then, it's your decision: you can have 24 uninterrupted hours or a two-day-12-hours-each type of hackathon. This is the time that students have to come up with ideas and co-create solutions to the challenge you set.
  • Extraordinary Student Experience: Imagine the thrill on your students' faces when they become part of a global movement to improve education! DigiEduHack provides an extraordinary experience that goes beyond traditional learning. It empowers students, no matter their age, to be active participants in solving real-world educational challenges.
  • It's Not as Hard as You Think: Hosting a DigiEduHack hackathon may sound daunting, but fear not. It's not as challenging as it may seem. You don't need to be a tech expert. You don't need to have prior experience in hackathons. The central DigiEduHack team, made of hackathon experts, is here to guide and support you throughout your hosting journey.

Guidance and Know-How

We understand that venturing into uncharted territory can be intimidating, which is why we provide all the guidance and support you need:

  • Expert Support: Our central team comprises hackathon experts who are passionate about digital education. They bring a wealth of experience to the table and are ready to assist you every step of the way.
  • Comprehensive Resources: DigiEduHack offers a rich library of resources, including detailed toolkits and templates, to simplify event planning. These resources are designed to ensure that you have everything you need to succeed.
  • Community Spirit: When you become a DigiEduHack host, you're not alone. You join a global community of educators, students, and tech enthusiasts who share your passion for improving education. Connect, collaborate, and learn from your peers.

In short, your school can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of education through DigiEduHack. Hosting a hackathon can be a transformative experience for your students, and it's far more accessible than you might think. With our guidance, resources, and expert support, you can embark on this educational journey with confidence.

So, seize this opportunity to make a difference in your school and empower your students to become the leaders of tomorrow's digital education landscape. Join DigiEduHack today and be part of the movement that's revolutionizing learning worldwide!

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