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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

Celebrating Education: DigiEduHack's Role on International Day of Education

Every year on 24th January , the world celebrates the International Day of Education, a day dedicated to highlighting the importance of education in fostering peace, development, and ensuring global prosperity. This special day serves as a reminder that education is a fundamental human right, and a key driver for sustainable development.

At the heart of this global celebration is the acknowledgement that education is the cornerstone of progress, empowering individuals and communities to overcome challenges and contribute to positive change. This commitment is reinforced by the European Union through the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which recognises education as a fundamental human right, essential for personal development, social inclusion, and active citizenship.

In alignment with the principles set forth in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Digital Education Action Plan spearheads initiatives that underscore the commitment to education as a human right. One notable endeavor is DigiEduHack, an annual hackathon dedicated to reshaping the future of education through collaborative problem-solving and technological innovation.

Within the framework of the EU Charter of Human Rights, education is not merely seen as a public responsibility but as a cornerstone for societal progress. The commitment to education is brought to life through initiatives like DigiEduHack, which, beyond being an event, is a movement aimed at advancing education on a global scale.

The Digital Education Action Plan recognizes the importance of lifelong learning, a concept embodied by DigiEduHack. The hackathons serve as platforms for continuous learning, knowledge-sharing, and meaningful discussions about the future of education, aligning with the vision of education as a lifelong journey extending beyond traditional classrooms.

Moreover, the emphasis on leveraging technology for educational innovation in DigiEduHack directly aligns with the broader goals of the International Day of Education. By harnessing the power of digital solutions, we aim to enhance the accessibility, inclusivity, and effectiveness of education, contributing to the achievement of global education targets.

As we mark the International Day of Education, DigiEduHack stands as a testament to our collective commitment to building a better world through education. By fostering collaboration, embracing innovation, and addressing the challenges of the digital era, we contribute to the vision of a world where education empowers individuals and societies to thrive.

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