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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

DigiEduHack Global Awards: Celebrating Innovation in Digital Education

As any regular hackathon, DigiEduHack concludes its thrilling journey with recognition and reward for the global winning teams. As a specific digital education hackathon, DigiEduHack has prepared a comprehensive package to reward the outstanding solutions submitted by the four teams that public voting will certify as our 2023 global winners.

Whatsmore, the awards are categorised to cater to all levels of expertise, backgrounds, and maturity of the proposed solutions, reflecting our commitment with inclusivity, diversity and equity, as detailed below.

Beginner Awards: for solutions proposed by teams that recently started their journey in the digital education field, have little or no previous experience in hackathons, or bring a promising solution in an early stage of maturity.

  • Social Impact Award

These solutions benefit society and the community within the digital education landscape by promoting inclusion and diversity and addressing diverse needs within the digital education community.

  • Disruptive Technology Award

This award recognizes innovative solutions introducing novel tools or technologies challenging existing norms in digital education and incorporate, as such, cutting-edge technologies - AI, blockchain, virtual reality, IoT, robotics, or other emerging fields – while simplifying learning processes or enhancing learners' engagement through revolutionary evaluation and assessment systems, collaborative tools, digital badges, etc.

The winners in the beginner category will be able to choose from the prize list the series of interactive webinars, the tailor-made online learning path, or the premium software license subscription.

Experienced Awards: meant for solutions with a higher degree of maturity, proposed by teams that demonstrate notable expertise in their fields (years of experience, remarkable achievements, etc) and/or experience in participating in hackathons.

  • Social Impact Award

These solutions promote inclusion and diversity by considering diverse needs within the digital education community, demonstrate sustainability and scalability potential, and involve relevant stakeholders to foster empowerment and community engagement

  • Disruptive Technology Award

This award recognises solutions that challenge existing norms in digital education through innovative tools or technologies, by simplifying complex learning processes or enhancing learners’ engagement.

The experienced winning teams will be able to choose from the prize list the boot-camp to support applications for the European Digital Education Hub Accelerator, online business coaching or premium software license subscription.

All DigiEduHack winners, regardless of their prize choice, will become DigiEduHack Global Ambassadors, while receiving an invitation to attend the awarding ceremony, the award certificate and the DigiEduHack hoodie.

These are no randomly picked-up awards. They are designed to empower the winning teams and enhance their growth further and beyond this edition of DigiEduHack. They symbolize DigiEduHack’s commitment to fostering grassroots innovation and excellence in digital education.

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