Local Hackathons Learn with DigiEduHack News

DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

Sharing best practices to host a hackathon - Coaching calls every Wednesday!

If you're interested in hosting a hackathon but not sure how or want to improve your own process, attend our weekly coaching calls on Wednesdays at 15:00 CET, starting 18 August till 1 November.

In these 1-hour calls, Ultrahack, our resident hackathon experts will share the best practices and lessons condensed from their experience running over 140 hackathons and answer any questions you might have.


All those interested in hosting a hackathon as part of DigiEduHack. Whether you’ve registered or you consider joining, these calls can provide a lot of helpful information into what it means to be a host!


Every Wednesday at 15:00 CET from 18 August till 1 November.


The coaching calls will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@digieduhack.

Click “Subscribe” and the bell to receive notifications of latest videos and coaching calls!


  • 16 August - Introduction to DigiEduHack - what is the timeline, expectations and what support you will receive as a hackathon host?
  • 23 August - Crafting your Challenge - the first task as a host is to create a challenge for your participants to create solutions to. We share what makes a good challenge.
  • 30 August - Setting up your Webpage - Your own Digital Education hackathon will have a webpage under our main website https://digieduhack.com/! We’ll guide you through how to create the best webpage to promote your hackathon.
  • 6 September - Gathering Funding - Money is not everything, but isn’t it good to receive some financial support for your hackathon, whether it be to sponsor catering or to provide attractive monetary prizes? How to get sponsorship is the topic of this call.
  • 13 September - Recruiting Participants - To support you in recruiting participants, we’re sharing marketing tips and materials ready-to-use at your fingertips.
  • 20 September - How to Run a Challenge Webinar - a webinar is a great way to share your insights into the challenge and attract potential participants!
  • 27 September - Recruiting Mentors and Jury – Strong mentors and jury will be the highlights of a successful hackathon! In this coaching call, we share how to attract mentors and jury and onboard them for a great hackathon experience.
  • 3-18 October - Participant Experience - these coaching calls will focus on creating the best experience for your innovators, from planning the hackathon event to onboarding participants and matchmaking.
  • 25 October - Evaluation and Submitting your Winner Solution - Learn to ensure a fair hackathon by understanding how the evaluation process will happen, and what to do with your winner solutions.
  • 1 November - Final Q&A - D-Day is near, join this call to go through the final touches and wish each other the best DigiEduHack!

We’re so excited to support you in your DigiEduHack hosting journey! So join us every Wednesday from 18 August, on our YouTube channel!

See you there!

Host a local DigiEduHack in your community: register here!

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