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DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

DigiEduHack 2023 Webinar #2

DigiEduHack Visions: Unlocking the Potential of Digital Education: Exploring the European Digital Education Action Plan

When: Monday, 19th of June 2023 from 16.00 to 17.30 CEST.

Where: the webinar will be live-streamed on Youtube.

: The DigiEduHack team will be joined by the following experts*:

  • Georgi Dimitrov, Head of Unit ‘Digital education’, DG EAC, European Commission, Belgium.
  • Luciano Zickler, winner of DigiEduHack 2020, Researcher affiliated to the Interdisciplinary Science and Research Center (ISRC) at ISEP Porto, Portugal.
  • Piedad Tolmos, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Economic and Business Administration Sciences, King Juan Carlos University, Spain.
  • Branko Andjic, scientific researcher on inclusive STEAM education at Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.
  • Mart Soonik, DigiEduHack Webinar Host. 
  • Kristof Fenyvesi, DigiEduHack Webinar Host. 

*Learn more about the guest speakers here.

The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A session.