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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

AI-Tools for Teachers in Estonia

A solution proposed for the challenge Enabling Transformational Learning Through Digitalisation

Solution details

Our solution is to develop several AI-tools that will help Estonian teachers to start using AI in their work. Only then do we have hope that our teachers can teach our children how to properly use these new AI-tools in education.

Our final product for the hackathon is:

1) a working prototype for a lesson plan generator where the teacher does not have to write almost anything. Up and running in local host, will be put on www.tunnikavad.ee

2) a working prototype, where the AI-tool is giving suggestions to teachers how to give homework to students that would not be easily solvable with AI

The success of the solution can be measured by the number of active users of these AI tools.

The solution will make the first contact with AI-tools easier for the teachers in Estonia as we are eliminating the language barrier and lowering the blank screen syndrome barrier.

Team members: Reigo Ginter, Priit Tuvike, Oskar Tuvike and Erik Rasmus Alt

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AI-tools for teachers in Estonia that will make the first steps in the field of AI in education easier.

Enabling Transformational Learning Through Digitalisation

AI-Tools for Teachers in Estonia

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