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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

Beginner Awards: Social impact


Solution details

Our solution is to allow the user to have a dynamic free trial for each general study area and for the student to find himself in his tastes and preferences. Graphic results will be shown based on data and provide an accurate career area.

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Everything you need to make the right choice. Our Website provides diagnostic tests to guide and give information about their skills and linkings. It places you in a specific level and provides a course at that level.


CHOICE is a website that provides diagnostic tests to guide and give information about their skills and linkings. It places you in a specific level and provides a course at that level.


Between 30% and 40% of young people make mistakes when choosing a career and 80% of young students do not know what professional career to study when they finish school. According to the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UANL) , 7 out of 10 high school students do not know what university major to choose and, once they decide, between 30% and 40% of young Mexicans make the wrong choice.

Who Benefits?

Our users are middle and high school students who are indecisive about their career choice or are interested in finding out which area they most likely to have a better performance based on their abilities and interests. This solution benefits students, parents and universities, lowering the statistics of students who do not finish university or change careers. It provides more security to students and parents by having basic information before making a decision.



The impact will be measured by comparing the statistics about university desertion, career change and the student's confidence when making their career path decision, all that before and after Choice; this will be done by opening a data analysis investigation project along with Choice, that will take the information recollected by Choice every year when a new generation is about to enter university and another is about to end its first year in it.

We are also interested in having alliances with universities to make the implementation and data collection easier so we can start measuring the impact that Choice brings as soon as possible.

Team work

We as a team and as friends really believe in our solution. We see this problem in every generation, a wrbsite well implemented will not only help nearby students to know more about themselves and their abilities but it can also grow to be a space where we learn from others experiences and live a more meaningful life starting with the best choice of choosing your career based on passion.


Our solution is original since we are based on evaluations that only provide you with the career that suits you, however, our platform offers teaching, mentoring and exercises in a dynamic way, curricular certificate and stories from people close to you with comments and career recommendations.


In the future we might apply it in another context, however right now the only vision we have is the one involving educational purposes with the careers that Tecnológico de Monterrey has to offer.


Our plan is to use a web site, to take the tests and courses, that will be published in facebook to let the parents know about it and encourage their children to be part of our plan. In the long term we will give talks and events organized to encourage more parents and young ones to use our services. Including other countries and ethnicities.

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