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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

Beginner Awards: Social impact

ClassMate AI

A solution proposed for the challenge AI in Education

Solution details

ClassMate AI is a Moodle plugin that functions as a chatbot within Moodle course pages, addressing both students' and teachers' needs to tailor course materials. It offers customized learning solutions by interrogating, modifying and delivering course materials to enhance accessibility and usability. This chatbot brings personalized tutoring to all students, providing class transcriptions, translations, summaries, and answers to questions about course content. Moreover, it gathers anonymous data on student queries and interactions with course materials, generating automated usage reports for teachers. These reports offer valuable insights to help instructors adjust and enhance their lectures.

ClassMate AI also allows teachers to submit their materials for evaluation before class, receiving tailored feedback on their quality and accessibility. Additionally, it can assist in grading student submissions, providing professors with a starting point for grading.
To maintain privacy and cost-effectiveness, ClassMate AI connects via API services and utilizes local computing resources. The impact of ClassMate AI can be assessed by measuring student engagement in class, monitoring dropout rates, and observing changes in student grades.

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ClassMate AI is the classmate you can always count on. It makes personalized tutoring accessible to everyone, providing class transcriptions, summaries and answering questions about class material. It's a Moodle plugin helping teachers and students connect to transform education.


ClassMate AI is a Moodle plugin that functions as a chatbot within Moodle course pages, addressing both students' and teachers' needs to tailor course materials. It offers customized learning solutions by interrogating, modifying and delivering course materials to enhance accessibility and usability. This chatbot brings personalized tutoring to all students, providing class transcriptions, translations, summaries, and answers to questions about course content.

Moreover, it gathers anonymous data on student queries and interactions with course materials, generating automated usage reports for teachers. These reports offer valuable insights to help instructors adjust and enhance their lectures.

ClassMate AI also allows teachers to submit their materials for evaluation before class, receiving tailored feedback on their quality and accessibility. Additionally, it can assist in grading student submissions, providing professors with a starting point for grading.  

To maintain privacy and cost-effectiveness, ClassMate AI connects via API services and utilizes local computing resources. The impact of ClassMate AI can be assessed by measuring student engagement in class, monitoring dropout rates, and observing changes in student grades.

Class Mate AI Tangerini Jurane Sheikh Re Depaolini

Everyone learns in a different way, and many people deal with language barriers, learning impairments and difficult subjects. It's impossible to have access to all-knowing tutors everyday, professors do not have infinite time and private tutoring can be expensive.

ClassMate AI offers personalized tutoring, being aware of the course materials and delivering them on request by means of adaptive learning and accessibility oriented remodulation.

Who Benefits?

University students and professors are the target audience. Students will benefit from the personalized learning solutions, for example having access to transcriptions, summarizations and explanations of lectures. This will benefit all students, including students with different levels of learning impairments. Students will be able to ask questions to ClassMate AI and professors will be able to monitor anonimized students' activity and interactions with ClassMate AI, to get insights on how the course material is being received. 


We are aware that the Moodle platform currently serves 399,783,974 users across 280 countries. Our objective is not to overhaul the existing learning infrastructure but rather to improve it by creating a personalized 24/7 online tutor that is accessible and user-friendly for all, with a scalable and straightforward implementation. Given that Moodle is an open-source platform available for free, any educational institution can leverage the benefits offered by ClassMate AI. This solution can effectively address accessibility issues while prioritizing privacy and cost considerations.

Team work

We are a team with diverse educational and cultural backgrounds. From Education Science, Computer Science, Web Development, and Product Design. With professional experience in crafting educational experiences and working with LLMs, our team has a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities that this project presents.


Our solution is an all-encompassing tool for personalized tutoring for both students and teachers, that is easy to implement, cost effective, and privacy-oriented. There are currently no alternatives on the market. In addition this is a service that can be integrated in a pre-exisisting solution, without changing students/professors habits.


ClassMate AI can be used by any educational institution that uses Moodle, a free, open-source platform. It provides learning support for both students and teachers in any context where personalized tutoring about the course materials is valuable.


The goal is to develop a third-party app integrated into Moodle through plugins, enabling communication between various databases, models, and files. This solution can be hosted locally by the institution or on the cloud if infrastructure is lacking. By keeping it under institutional control, privacy for documents and materials is ensured, and they can choose an eco-friendly approach with green energy for sustainability. The solution is flexible for transfer and scaling, and we believe it aligns well with the cost-effective and easy-to-host local solutions expected in the future.

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