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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

Estonian Odyssey: An Interactive Narrative Game

Solution details

Our solution and the final product is a narrative-based digital game for internationals learning Estonian. You learn new words and phrases through stories and dialogues in practical situations.

We have conducted a survey involving international students and determined a key persona for our initial application demonstration.

In the future we also plan to divide stories into different language levels, integrate audio feature, add stories which would cover social issues to help people who just came to Estonia to integrate to Estonian system (residence permit, where and how to get work, doctor appointments, etc).

Success can be measured by doing surveys and interviews and compare the results and feedback of Estonian language learning before and after using our solution. To navigate Estonia with ease is the main benefit.

Team members: Diana Miftakhova, Abimbola Adegoke, Merli Lall, Donna-Anna Arvik and Vahide Shafie.

Tweet / Slogan

A narrative-based game to help people learn Estonian language through meaningful and conversational experiences.

Transforming the Learning Experience in Estonian-Language Studies

Estonian Odyssey

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