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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

Experienced Awards: Social impact


A solution proposed for the challenge WORLD INNO CUP 2023

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Grupo 2


We were assigned a simulation business challenge as follows: You have just been recruited as the new leadership team of Inovink®, the company renowned for its revolutionary magicPen®. Its Founder and CEO, Jim Shovel, built the company around a simple idea: a pen without ink, that writes by changing the color of the cellulose on the surface of paper. The product has been an instant success and, with a few more innovations, the company has enjoyed a rapid growth.Jim Shovel is getting older and slowly distancing himself from the operations of the business. He wants you to take the company to the next level while respecting his key principles: it is not pushing for growth that creates great companies. It is the continuous symbiosis of consumer discovery and innovation that creates efficient, sustained growth. And this is why Jim Shovel's three magic words are "Discovery, Innovation, Growth" and his rallying cry is DiG! In this context, your mission is to maximize value creation as measured by earnings growth, and your 5-year long term incentive plan is based on that single objective. Good luck and let's meet again in 2026! 

Who Benefits?

The benefits are oriented for Educators and learners. It´s a great challenge in order to understand the business decision making process is done in order to achieve golds proposed by the owners.


The impact was measured by the earning you can generates in a 5 years simulation process. This earnings response to serial of insight simulated, tested and implemented in our simlated product by the team under some variables.

Team work

The team work was the pillar for the simulation. We had a nice group that contribute to set the strategy in order to the gold assigned and we could execute it perfectly. We breath in a simulation framework how management, mkt, supply chains and R&D can works and generates good results.


In this case, the platform itself is the innovativeness for us. It´s a great complementary tool for any Student of a Business School that want to experience how a Real business can be affected by the decision making process


I think we can bring this solution to multiple programs in order to each individual discipline can contribute to the main business gold. Would be interesting to give some more variables to adjust and be evaluated for this individuals and see how business performs.


In this case, we consider this is not applicable for this challenge. On the other hand, we can proposed a long terms simulations and get into the platform some variables related to this theme and see if we can perform iterations that could generates positives impacts.

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