Wheel of Chances
Solution details
It is a website to boost students engagement during studying periods and have the motivation to do well on tests, so they feel rewarded for their efforts and a job well done.
The website rewards hard work and assignments completed on time with achievments and spins on the wheel of fortune. The wheel of fortune rewards students randomly with one of six rewards. Which include homework reduction, deadline extension, custom emotes and stickers (which of course follow the guidlines), coins, and even a steam or amazon giftcard.
For those who hand in their work late or do poorly on these tests can spin the wheel of unfortunate. This wheel isnt entirely negative, but it does have negative rewards to incentivize students to do good so they dont have to spin the wheel. This wheels “rewards” include extra homeworks, -coins, forced popups with quick timed questions that test the knowledge of the student or even extra consultations.