Ulla Preeden
Steering Group member
Since 2016 I have been the Rector of Tartu Health Care College in Estonia. Our college provides learning opportunities from EQF levels 4 to 7. Starting from May 2023 I am a board member of an international association for Applied Higher Education in Europe EURASHE. Since that time, I am also a member of the European Qualifications Framework Advisory Group. I belong to the Rectors’ Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences of Estonia and chair it for 2023/2024. I am also a chairperson of the Supervisory Board of the Estonian Quality Agency for Education. Since 2022 I belong to EURASHE Research Community of Practice core group. I am passionate about education—dedicated to enhancing quality, expanding digital skills, and broadening research opportunities in vocational and professional higher education.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ulla.preeden; https://www.facebook.com/ttktartu and https://www.facebook.com/EURASHE
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tartu-health-care-college/ and https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurashe/