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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

You want to host a hackathon. Now what?

You heard about DigiEduHack from a friend, a colleague from work or your social media feed. You found it interesting, researched a bit and thought it would be nice to give it a go. Now you’re on the website, trying to figure out what you have to do next. Let us try to make that a bit clearer for you.

First of all, here’s short summary of DigiEduhack basics: a digital education hackathon, a 24h event that can be held online, in-person or in hybrid mode and that is open to all: coders and non-coders, beginners and experienced educators, learners, innovators, citizens with a passion for digital education.

Second, you are not alone in this. Whether you have a strong team to work with in bringing your hackathon to life or you’re just now starting to build one, the DigiEduHack central team is here to support you in every possible way.

Once all this is clear, you need to head to our registration form to sign up as a user on the website. From here onwards, you are joined in your efforts by the DigiEduHack central team. We are prepared to answer your questions and guide you through the adventure that DigiEduHack is. Resources such as a host project plan template or marketing kit template can be found on our website. Moreover, webinars are available and coaching calls with the registered hosts have already begun in mid-August.

Arrived at this point, you need to focus on your core responsibility as a host: crafting your challenge. Think about the problem you would like participants to learn about and try to solve. For inspiration, take a look at this year’s theme and our challenge categories. Bear in mind that the challenge can also be rooted to your strategy, your current interests, or the developing initiatives you are part of. Your starting point can also be something that you are not familiar with. Do you want to learn more about a certain topic or find out different ways of doing so?

The designed challenge will be reviewed by our central team and published on the website. This is when you will start to recruit participants – they will sign up for your challenge through the website, you will approve them and then, the conversation moves to Discord, where the dialogue on the future of digital education will continue long after this year’s DigiEduHack days.

To sum up, we would like you to remember two things throughout the whole process: 1) you have a team with extensive experience in organizing hackathons that is ready to support you at all times; and 2) DigiEduHack is a one-of-its-kind hackathon, where collaboration, co-creation and social impact are just as important as the competition itself – let this guide your involvement in the initiative.

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