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DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

Beginner Awards: Disruptive technology


A solution proposed for the challenge EduHackFest: Beyond Education with XR and AI

Solution details

Our product is called ADML, which stands for Adaptive Dynamic Multimodal Learning. It is a versatile tool designed to facilitate learning through quizzes, questions, summaries, images, and even audio, all generated by artificial intelligence. The AI adapts to the user's level, providing a personalized learning experience.

ADML doesn't require many resources to be functional; since a simple PC is sufficient to start using it. For an enhanced experience, users with virtual or augmented reality glasses can view 3D models of the content, further improving the learning process.

Following the explanation, ADML is beneficial in both online and in-person educational settings, serving as a complementary tool for studying specific subjects.

We use artificial intelligence interactively with the user. Based on a given syllabus, the AI can generate summaries and respond to any user queries, offering various resources such as dynamically generated images and personalized quizzes. This way, the AI constantly interacts with the user and adjusts to their learning pace.

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#ADML, the #AI tool that focuses on the user like never before, providing personalized, simple, and effective education. Tailored learning just for you.


Our mission is to revolutionize the learning experience for students by developing an interactive educational tool powered by Artificial Intelligence. This tool is designed to combat the monotony often associated with traditional learning methods and the fatigue that can set in with the repetitive nature of asking questions in digital platforms.
By incorporating features such as quizzes, dynamic responses, and real-time image generation, we aim to maintain the student's focus and interest. The AI is designed to adapt to each student's unique learning style, ensuring a personalized and engaging educational journey. This approach addresses the challenge of keeping students consistently engaged with the learning material, thereby enhancing their overall learning experience.

Who Benefits?

The benefits offered by our solution are focused on the learning model. It will provide a very useful tool for teachers that will allow them to have a virtual assistant for each student, making their curriculum and classes much more customizable and adjustable to the needs of the students.

For students, who will be the most common users of ADAM, it will be a great help when studying. The user-friendly interface, interactive virtual assistant, and personalized learning curve are all features of ADAM that enable students to progress and assimilate knowledge in a more efficient way.


Our solution is set to make a significant impact in the educational landscape. It's a universally accessible system, requiring only an electronic device and internet connection, making it a versatile addition to any educational context.

The impact of our solution is measurable. One key indicator is the daily user engagement with the tool. We anticipate a steady growth in the number of students accessing the tool, driven by its user-friendly interface. This growth trajectory is expected to be sustained by positive user feedback, as more and more students discover the benefits of using our tool to complement their traditional study methods.

It can also be evaluated through academic performance metrics. By comparing the performance of students who use our tool with those who don't, we can assess the value it adds to the learning process.

In essence, our solution is not just about transforming education; it's about making education more accessible, engaging, and effective.

Team work

We are the ideal team to develop this project because our members have a high degree of interest in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, computer science, and mathematics.

Furthermore, each team member worked on a specific aspect of project creation. Some were responsible for presenting the project, others focused on developing the product idea, and some explored ways to create a prototype for presentation.

We have successfully created a basic prototype with all the essential features, with the potential to enhance aspects such as the interface and user experience if we continued working on the project.


Our solution, unlike existing products, greatly facilitates collaboration between teachers and students.

Moreover, the tool can learn from each individual's current knowledge and provide personalized questions and answers to focus on areas where the user needs more assistance.

Through the combined use of various artificial intelligences, a perfect space is created where students are provided with all the necessary interactive resources to facilitate learning, including personalized responses and simple summaries.

It is also capable of providing specific images for each question and explanation, serving as visual aids.


Our proposed solution, ADAM, has a high degree of transferability. Its modular design allows it to adapt to any subject matter, making it applicable across a wide range of educational contexts and disciplines. The user simply provides the foundational content, and ADAM's AI capabilities handle the rest, creating an interactive and engaging learning experience. This flexibility means that ADAM can be seamlessly integrated into any learning environment, enhancing the educational journey for students across various fields of study.


Our implementation plan involves equipping teachers with our tool, ADAM, which they can customize with their syllabus and share with students. Students can then access the personalized course through a simple link, eliminating the need for extensive prompts.

In the mid and long term, as AI technology advances, we anticipate that ADAM will deliver increasingly efficient and high-quality responses. This continuous improvement will further enhance the learning experience, solidifying ADAM's role as an invaluable tool in education.

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