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DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

Beginner Awards: Social impact

E-Learning Platform

A solution proposed for the challenge People at the Centre of Digital Education

Solution details

Our platform is a comprehensive AI-driven E-Learning solution that incorporates adaptive learning technology, a visual mind map feature, interactive assessments, and an AI chatbot. The adaptive learning technology tailors content to individual learning styles, the visual mind map enhances comprehension and navigation, interactive assessments promote critical thinking, and the AI chatbot provides real-time support.

Successful implementation requires a dedicated team for continuous refinement, promotion, expansion efforts, and ongoing AI and technology support.

Traditional educational settings may pose resistance to adopting new technologies, necessitating effective change of management strategies.

The platform's adaptive learning and interactive features empower educators to tailor content to individual student needs, fostering a more effective and personalized teaching approach while also ensuring a higher student engagement. By adopting an AI-driven, comprehensive E-Learning solution, the challenge owner positions themselves as an innovative leader in digital education, attracting attention and recognition within the education sector.

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An E-Learning platform that aids students to learn the didactic material at home and experience a better atmosphere at school by focusing on practical experiments and interaction with peers.


As students, we are facing a common challenge daily. Understanding that each person feels the need at his own pace of learning and the limited exposure to information during traditional class methods like reading, listening and watching, can cause a lack of acknowledging the fundamental subjects.

Who Benefits?

The target group includes students at various educational levels, ranging from middle school to high school. The platform is designed to cater to a diverse audience, encompassing different subjects and disciplines. The platform can adapt to different learning styles and levels of proficiency, making it accessible to a broad range of students seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills.


The impact of our solution is reflected in improved learning outcomes, increased user engagement, and positive feedback from educators. Assessments will be conducted pre- and post-implementation to demonstrate the enhanced academic performance and critical thinking skills, while the metrics indicate heightened platform interaction. The completion rates, and content mastery are also a sign of user satisfaction and deep interest in the subject.

Team work

Our cohesive group, with experience shared from teachers at FCL Moldova and promoters of digital technologies(education) with great knowledge in group management, uniquely positions us for success in developing this innovative solution. In past collaborations, we've demonstrated effective teamwork, open communication, and goal achievement within the academic environment. We're confident in our ability to continue working seamlessly as a team in the future, leveraging our diverse competencies to drive impactful solutions.


Our solution goes beyond traditional AI-driven personalized learning by seamlessly integrating AI with visual mind maps—a feature absent in other AI E-learning platforms. This fusion offers a unique, comprehensive learning experience, tailoring content to individual styles and enhancing comprehension through dynamic visual paths. The flipped classroom model, interactive assessments, and real-world applications further distinguish our project. This innovative approach of combining new emerging learning tools and methods sets our platform apart in the market.

##Other platforms: edX (uses AI technology but does not offer visual representation in the form of Mind Maps, is used by academic institutions all around the world), OCW MIT


Our platform's adaptability extends to diverse contexts, through features like adaptive learning, visual tools, and interactive assessments it makes an ideal learning tool as an online paid course platform to be used in professional development programs and corporate training. The incorporation of an AI chatbot support further enhances the platform's utility, providing real-time assistance and guidance across various educational and training scenarios.


Short-Term (0-12 months):

In the short term, we aim to launch a pilot program, gather feedback, and refine our platform based on user insights. Our focus is on a successful initial rollout, addressing any identified issues promptly.

Mid-Term (1-3 years):

In the mid-term, our plan involves scaling the platform's implementation, collaborating with additional educational institutions and organizations, and exploring integration options with existing learning management systems (LMS) to streamline adoption.

Long-Term (3+ years):

Looking ahead, we envision global expansion by partnering with institutions worldwide, investing in ongoing research and development, and diversifying applications to extend beyond formal education into professional development and corporate training. The long-term goal is to position our platform as a leading force in adaptive and personalized learning on a global scale.

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