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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

Finalists for Beginner Awards: Social impact and Disruptive technology


A solution proposed for the challenge DigiEduHack @Tec Guadalajara

Solution details

EduMind is a web platform whose license includes the use of innovative tools powered by artificial intelligence to help teachers make their teaching clearer for each of their students and thus achieve greater teaching efficiency. With its intuitive interface, teachers will be able to incorporate the first inputs to the platform so that it automatically creates eye-catching and interactive material for their classes and thus achieve in its first stage visual, auditory and written supports such as text documents, presentations, videos, among others, that the teacher has used or considers relevant to the learning content in class. Once entered into the database, the platform automatically creates interactive quizzes such as Kahoots related to the given input or graphic organizers with attractive and interactive images. The teacher, in addition to this “assistant” that creates add-ons, will also have an evaluation interface, which is the most crucial part of our project. In it, the teacher will enter the student's grades in previous evaluations and give an assessment of each student's performance (what he/she excels in and what he/she does not). These results will take into account the student's learning style through a test that will be applied by the institutions (such as the VAK “Visual Auditory Kinesthetic” test) as well as the student's learning style (such as the VAK test).

Tweet / Slogan

Transform teaching with EduMind! Our AI-powered platform helps educators craft interactive, personalized materials for every student. Boost engagement and efficiency in the classroom.


Aguilar Montes de Oca, Y.P., Valdez Medina, J.L., Rivera Aragón, S., Carrasco Díaz, C., Gómora Bernal, A., Pérez Leal, A. & Vidal Mendoza, S. (2015). Apathy, lack of motivation, disinterest, reluctance, and lack of participation in Mexican adolescents. https://www.redalyc.org/journal/292/29242800010/html/#redalyc_29242800010_ref33


Fundación Ferrer i Guardia. (n.d.). Escuela Moderna. https://www.ferrerguardia.org/escuela-moderna#:~:text=La%20Escuela%20Moderna%20fue%20un,a%20finales%20del%20siglo%20XIX


Innovaction Schools México. (n.d.). Estilos de Aprendizaje. https://blog.innovaschools.edu.mx/estilos-de-aprendizaje#:~:text=Los%20cinco%20principales%20estilos%20son,aprendan%20y%20comprendan%20por%20igual.


Inter-American Development Bank. (2023). PISA 2022: ¿Cómo le fue a América Latina y el Caribe? https://blogs.iadb.org/educacion/es/pruebas-pisa-2022-america-latina-caribe/


World Bank. (2019). La crisis del aprendizaje: Estar en la escuela no es lo mismo que aprender. https://www.bancomundial.org/es/news/immersive-story/2019/01/22/pass-or-fail-how-can-the-world-do-its-homework

Digi Edu Hack 2024 Edu Mind
Team work

We’ve built a 3 phases plan for the implementation of this initiative:


Phase 1: Completion of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - (short to mid term)

On this primary stage the objective is to combine both the functionality and ui/ux prototypes into a complete version ready for pre-launch and finish with its validations and testing phases. This pre-launch version will include the minimum operational requirements for its immediate implementation with 3 delivery formats for students to study:  Podcast-style notes narrated by kid’s favorite characters, Kahoot-style tests and, learning cards. 


Phase 2: Launch - (mid term)

Once the Pre-launch model is complete and the value chain is ready to operate, on this 2nd stage the Launch of the platform is set to officially take place and reach the marketplace. On this stage, we are aiming specifically towards educational institutions with the existing infrastructure and resources to support EduMind’s platform. Thus, we will be focusing on licensing of the platform to primarily private educational institutions. This with the main goal of consolidating EduMind as a profitable and self-sufficient business.  The licensing model will function as follows: One license allows access to one group/course/teacher. Example: One license allows Prof. David and his 3rd grade class, access to the Match course.


Phase 3: Social Enterprise Business Model - (mid to long term)

After the successful launch of the platform and the consolidation of the business model, the 3rd stage represents a structural shift from a regular technological enterprise, into a social enterprise with the main goal of expanding EduMinds reach: “For every 100 licenses purchased, EduMind will habilitate a vulnerable school with infrastructure and licenses for Free”.

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