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DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

Innovation in Technology for Educative Modernized

A solution proposed for the challenge DigiEduHack @TEC CDMX powered by IFE & Emprendimiento Tec

Solution details

A virtual and interactive space through virtual reality where the approach is personalized depending on the interests and abilities of each student in conjunction with the curriculum of each student. This space will be a private place, where the devices will have noise cancellation, where only the audio of the characters and the respective class will be available. Your interaction will be with characters related to the topic, who will share knowledge based on artificial intelligence. The teaching environment would correspond to the space and time of the character and subject taught. The evaluations  will be based on virtual practices of real situations depending the subject taught.
Furthermore it will also have a sytem of rewards, depending of the progress of your courses you will be given a certain amount of World Tokens.
Our market model will be to connect buyers with sellers charging a commission for transactions. We will have a collaboration with universities and schools in order they can have our tool, and a colloboration with World App so the can receive Word Tokens.

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