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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

PROXYU is an application that merges Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enrich the educational experience in higher education.

A solution proposed for the challenge 28h - Transforming Education

Solution details

ProxyU is a dynamic application that revolutionizes education in a few simple steps using AI and Augmented Reality: First, it personalizes educational challenges with AI, allowing teachers to define/select courses, type of work, competencies and a brief description of what look for the teacher. It then generates 3D and 2D content, creating an immersive augmented reality environment. Once the challenge is created, teachers share the challenges generated by our AI, and students collaborate using augmented reality on their devices. Finally, the teacher uses the data collected and the feedback provided by the AI to provide final comments to the students, which seeks to enrich the students' understanding of their competencies and promote continuous development.

Deliverable video: https://youtu.be/ldQ5LAEqtVk

Prototype link: https://www.figma.com/proto/yGDgF7xvxnymLOgpXl2Qer/ProxyU?type=design&node-id=726-1389&t=5uRCNMHdlkAQ4GCn-1&scaling=scale-down&page-id=726%3A1388&starting-point-node-id=726%3A1389&mode=design

Prototype sketches: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1-Di33bb6Re7wA0QQ5vr4gHe9xOuFCkt7Ccr-7O3cPqw/edit?usp=sharing





  • Nicole Mayra Huancaya Garcia 


Communication and publicity

  • Bruno Valentín Caycho Pérez


Entrepreneurship Administration and Management

  • Renzo Edmundo Reymundo Ramos


Engineering Electronic

  • Alexander Gregorio Leon Torres


Mechatronic Engineering 

Mentor: Lucia Patricia Arana López.


Tweet / Slogan

That is why we created ProxyU, an application that, through fun challenges, promotes the development of individual and collective competencies and skills that universities seek to cultivate in their students and that the labor market requires.

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