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DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

Teaching Transferable Skills

Solution details

Applying gamified aptitude tests as a fun recap to lecture material and a way to enhance attendance, interaction, and focus in lectures. The core parts of this will involve having tests similar to aptitude tests but using the format of a game to reduce stress and make the less formal and more relaxed. This will help reduce the lecturers workload as the tests will be non-human marked and engage the students with a test that carries a small amount of their overall grade. They will be motivated by a less stressful way to earn some marks. We plan to start off small, testing the technique with just one module then with success scale up to the whole university. The technology for this project already exists and is used in corporate environments and can easily be implemented in the courses and modules. The success of the solution will be measurable by the seeing the increase in lecture attendance and interaction during the lectures.

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Bored in lectures? Tired of marking tests? No one showing up to your class? If only we could make university more like a game? This is for you.

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Digital Dynamos

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