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DigiEduHack 2024

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 5th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 8-17 Nov 2024!

Why Should You Become a DigiEduHack 2024 Host

The 2024 edition of DigiEduHack call for the registration of hosts is now open!

Hosting a Hackathon will enable you to find solutions to current and pressing Digital Education challenges, and to be part of the future of Digital Education globally!

If you wonder whether you can host a hackathon, the answer is yes! Whether you’re a primary school teacher, a civil servant, or if you own a start-up, there are a million reasons why you and your organisation or institution should host a digital education hackathon. Here are a few of them:

If you are teaching in a school for instance, hosting a hackathon could be the perfect way to promote digital skills among your students, but also among their parents and other staff members. It would also boost your students’ creativity and innovation, teach them important values such as teamwork and collaboration, and give them more confidence to express their voice. Hosting a hackathon will make you think deeply about the educational needs of your institution and explore new educational technologies and digital tools, to eventually end up with solutions to your challenges which the whole school community could benefit from. This was the case of one of the hosts of the 2023 edition of DigiEduHack, Fondazione per la Scuola, whose team’s solution, "Schools as an Agent of Change Towards Sustainability”, became one of the four Global Winners.

If you work in the public sector, many reasons can lead you to host a hackathon. First, you can bring together diverse actors, such as educators, students, policymakers, or technology experts, and therefore have a very wide range of backgrounds, ideas and opinions. These different actors will consequently lead to diverse challenges related to e.g. digital literacy, online safety, or equity in education, to name just a few. Second, by fostering collaboration within the education ecosystem, you can contribute to innovation in the education technology (EdTech) sector, and address accessibility to educational opportunities. In 2021, the Dortmund City Council hosted a hackathon to create solutions to use digital technologies to enhance the learning processes of lower secondary school students of the city.

Another type of organisation susceptible to host a hackathon are private organisations such as start-ups or industry leaders, for instance Bonolab, which developed the solution KOIT to the challenge E-waste – Enabling Transformational Learning Through Digitalisation. If you are a private organisation, the hackathon would enable you to meet different stakeholders or new talents in the fields of education, technology, design, or entrepreneurship, who could be a great added value to your institution, your project, or your services. In addition, hackathons can also connect you with potential partners, investors and customers.

But in the end, what is common to all of you who are thinking of hosting a hackathon, is the possibility to engage the community and to drive a positive social impact in the education sector, to enhance innovation and be a springboard for the next generation of digital education leaders.

Are you still doubting? Send us an email at contact@digieduhack.com, and we’ll answer all your questions. You can also find more information on our web page What is DigiEduHack ? - DigiEduHack 2024, and watch our webinars containing all the information you need to know.

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