Transful: A memorization platform
Solution details
It is a platform where the user is provided with the methodology (videos, blogposts, interviews, courses) on memory techniques and then one can practically test them out and be tested about. In addition to that, one can share his/her findings on how they have memorized something into a open database, so that we can help each other out on memorising something. Asoociations are personalised and you can choose between them (or create your one with the help of guiding questions). To grow our database, we need fellow-associaters that help us get to the critical amount and another developer to get us to the next phase of our platform. The success measured: inserted associations, active users (subscriptions).
Benefit: can start collaborating on exchanging ideas on associations.
Team members: Kai-Melli Kapten, Lija Jegisman and Liisa Peterson.
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A platform for making memorisation meaningful