Vana Lugu: Audio History of Baltics
Solution details
Vana Lugu is a CultureTech & EduTainment platform with personalised historical content. Fun & Engaging stories are delivered in audio format with keeping historical factuality.
Milestone 1 (Dec 2023). Website with Blog. iOS & Android with 100+ stories in EN & 3 crafted audio tours for Tartu.
Milestone 2 (April 2024). Sales objective: 2000. Tallinn tours & new languages (DT, EE, UA, SP, IT)
Milestone 3 (Sep 2024). Sales objective: 10000. Partnership with museums, B2B, education facilities.
Challenge owner benefits. Flexible autonomy tours. Employment, up selling of items & services (e.g. bikes, travel passes, museum cards etc.), taxes paid :)
Team members: Stanislav Sochynskyi (Product Manager & Entrepreneur), Romana Sytnyk (Historian; Worked as a guide in Kyiv, Ukraine; Organised a lot of events within University) and Vladyslav Kupriienko (iOS developer with over 5 years of experience).
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Personalised guided tours in Baltics in audio format. We can answer about history of every single corner in city you're exploring.