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DigiEduHack 2025

Seize the opportunity, let's support people-driven digital transformation in education together!

Get ready: the 6th edition of DigiEduHack will take place 7-16 Nov 2025!

4th edition 2023

In 2023, the Digital Education Hackathons showed boundless creativity and innovation, and helped redefine and develop a modernized digital education ecosystem for the fourth time.

The annual theme was “Putting the people at the centre of digital education”. In total, 39 local hackathons, who hosted a variety of organisations such as universities, NGOs, or high schools, took place and gathered very diverse stakeholders, from educators, students, innovators, and policymakers to technology experts, who all shared a common passion and dedication: the future of digital education.

The hackathons took place between 6th and 13th November in 22 countries across Europe and around the world, gathering 1685 participants. In a limited amount of time, the teams intensively discussed and collaborated on existing and future challenges related to education in the 21st century, sharing their expertise, and enhancing their digital education skills and literacy. They put all their knowledge and creativity into action to come up with a total of 225 innovative and inspiring solutions.

As per usual practice, each host chose a local winner within their team, and from the pool of all winning solutions, the DigiEduHack Steering Group selected 11 finalists. More than 5000 votes from the public finally led to the selection of four winners in four different categories:

The two teams who won in the Category Beginner are iTEERNER team, who presented the solution with a Social Impact: IVAN, international volunteering association network to the challenge Schools as an Agent of Change Towards Sustainability, and the team Guacamole, who presented the solution within the subcategory Disruptive Technology ADAPTATEC to the challenge DIGIEDUHACK TEC CDMX. Then, the two teams who won in the Category Experienced are Amp Empire Team, who came up with the solution with a Social Impact Artificial Reality to the challenge DGHack4STEM – Digital Games Hackathon for STEM Careers, and finally, the EDMAP team, who found a solution within the subcategory Disruptive Technology EDMAP to the challenge EduEmpower Empowering Adult Learners through Technology.

You can find all the solutions of DigiEduHack 2023 here.

These solutions will surely largely contribute to the evolution of digital education worldwide, but as the digital education ecosystem is in constant movement and evolution, we are now preparing for the DigiEduHack 2024. We are excited to soon discover new solutions and new synergies, once again leading to a modernised educational system.

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